562 Java Development

GodWars Dungeon


More than two thousand years ago, the lands of RuneScape were torn and scorched during the greatest war ever waged: the god wars. During this time, the gods sent their mightiest minions to walk among their followers, gathering them to battle and, inevitably, to their deaths. In modern-day RuneScape, the Wilderness is the scar that this war left. 

In recent times, though, the sheer number of adventurers wandering the land have had a remarkable environmental effect - something akin to global warming from the massive numbers of logs burnt has thawed a place best forgotten. Now, freed from their icy stasis, the warriors that went to fight in one of the last great battles of the god wars have returned to life, without the slightest inkling that their war ended so long ago. 


The God Wars Dungeon lies deep beneath the ice, north of Trollheim, on the edge of the cliffs that separate the trolls from the Wilderness. There, little more than ruins now, is a temple whose dedication is long since lost, and, within the bounds of that decayed structure, the boldest and strongest of heroes might find a crack into the world below. 

The path to this temple is not easy, though, as the only path into the temple's valley is blocked by massive stones. To move the boulders from the path you must have a Strength level of 60. Alternatively, a small niche in a rockslide can be carefully navigated if you have an Agility level of 60. 

You may leave the area by the same path, or by descending the cliffs that lead down to the Wilderness in the east. 

Click here for a map of the area.


Bounty Hunter


In the centre of the Wilderness, bounded on all sides by the desolation of the god wars, crouches a volcano. Not quite dormant, the massive crater that bears witness to the violence of its birth is home to Mandrith, Guardian of the Crater. In the earliest days of man's existence on RuneScape, this volcano was the site of the first murder, and for this reason an unnamed god cracked and split the earth to give the volcano life. Since those first, horrific days, Mandrith's ancestors have supplied a guardian to watch over the crater, where adventurers can go to slaughter each other. 

In the Bounty Hunter minigame, you are tasked to hunt down a specific player and slay them, all the while being hunted by other players and avoiding the attentions of anyone else that might try to slay you and claim your property. Of course, you don't have to hunt your specified target, and can instead slay anyone you please... 

The Bounty Hunter minigame can be found in the centre of the Wilderness by walking up the palatial steps in the south-east of the volcano's base. At the top of these steps you will find Mandrith, the mighty guardian of the crater. 

Be aware that you may have to face some of the vicious beasts of the Wilderness in order to reach this location, and that you may encounter revenants on the way. For more information about the dangers of the Wilderness, please read the Wilderness Area Guide. 

Alternatively, by far the safest path to Bounty Hunter is by using the games necklace to teleport directly to the volcanic plateau. 
